Matt Hall is liable to begin harmonizing with vacuum cleaners, car alarms, fluorescent lights, or other sources of sustained pitch: whether they (or anyone else) like it or not. This is his first season with the Chestnuts. Previous ensembles include Bach Collegium San Diego, the Pacific Bach Project, Capella Gloriana, the Full Measure Carolers, CONCORA, and sacra/profana - where he met his husband (see: Ben Willis, baritone), with whom he co-founded the San Diego Wedding Singers and, later, Rhode Island's first professional chamber choir (Collegium Ancora). He is currently a substitute section leader with the Mendelssohn Chorus of Philadelphia and a volunteer in the choir of St. Peter's Episcopal Church. When not singing (out loud), he is an assistant professor of Communication Sciences & Disorders at Temple University, where his research aims to prevent language deprivation in deaf and hard-of-hearing children.

Matt Hall

Tenor, Board Member